3 Quick Tips

Ken’s 3 Quick Tips: How to Clear Up a Misunderstanding at Work

Misunderstandings at work can be frustrating and hinder productivity. In Ken’s latest blog, “Ken’s 3 Quick Tips: How to Clear Up a Misunderstanding at Work,” he shares valuable insights on executive communication skills. Learn how to assume you’re wrong, look for the 10% truth in others’ perspectives, and lead with empathy. These practical tips will help you become a better communicator, fostering a more collaborative and effective work environment. Whether you’re in healthcare or any other industry, these strategies will enhance your ability to resolve conflicts and improve team dynamics.

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Ken’s 3 Quick Tips To Improve Problem Solving In Business

When working with a new client, I often observe that the executive/owner/leader believes that they and their teams are problem solvers. When we dig a little deeper, we find that they are usually question-answerers that look an awful lot like a help desk addressing a stream of symptoms yet never quite crack the code of solving complex business problems. Therefore, let’s get to the heart of problem-solving techniques in business with the following paradigm that you can incorporate into any organization.

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Ken’s 3 Quick Tips To Execute A Business Organizational System Now!

You know your business better than anyone. In the creation and continued growth of your business, you have promoted a great idea that solves a ubiquitous problem uniquely by working your butt off! Now that your business has prospered past the point of individual control, you are in dire need of an organizational system. The following are the three most essential elements of implementing a system at your own pace.

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Ken’s 3 Quick Tips on Navigating Different Perspectives Within Your Team

A key reason that nearly every one of us coaches uses a profiling tool, whether working with individuals or teams, is that we need to take inventory of different ways of thinking, perspective, and what we call, native genius. Why? If you live in the United States and have traveled to other english-speaking countries, then you’ve experienced speaking to an Australian, for example, knowing that you understand their words, yet cannot seem to understand what they mean.

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3 Quick Tips on How to Connect, Communicate, and Lead Better

Whenever I’m contacted by a current or prospective client about “friction” they are confronting in their organization, or I’m feeling “tension” in some of my relationships, chances are we will be able to label it a lack of effective communication. On the surface, we probably have a sense of what is happening, yet upon further reflection, great communication skills have far less to do with speaking well and much more to do with several more important soft skills. 

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Ken’s 3 Quick Tips on How to use Talent Dynamics in Your Day To Day Life

Talent Dynamics is a leading intrapersonal profiling tool used by more than 500,000 leaders and businesspeople around the world to build trust and flow. The Talent Dynamics test was created by Robert James Hamilton and is based on the Chinese I Ching philosophy. This ancient divination text also served as the inspiration for Carl Jung’s personality archetypes developed in the early 20th century. 

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Working Non-Stop? Avoid a Burnout with these Tips!

If you are anything like me, you have read your share of articles, studies, and analytics that quantifiably prove that repeatedly working long hours does not yield bigger, much less better results. Rather, working extended hours for about two weeks seems to be the limit before the detrimental effect of getting less sleep, especially in the context of higher stress, begins to backfire as this HBR article details. And while an important component of effective business coaching to combat burnout is an ongoing effort, the following are both mindset and behavior shifts anyone can adopt, adapt, and apply for immediate improvement.

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Ken’s 3 Quick Tips On How to Improve Your LinkedIn Presence

In a world where a single tweet can become breaking news, social media influences us all. Whether you enthusiastically engage on every new platform or choose to eschew social media engagement, there’s no denying how much it has changed the ways we live and work. LinkedIn might seem like one more social network on its surface, on par with Facebook and Instagram, but with a professional tilt. While the map of LinkedIn might resemble other social media, the terrain couldn’t be more different. If you’re interested in how to improve your LinkedIn presence, the first step is to check if your methods fit the medium.

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Ken’s 3 Quick Tips on How to Delegate

Learning how to delegate is an essential aspect of developing your leadership skills. Without it, you may find yourself falling into a trap familiar to countless business leaders and entrepreneurs: after working long, lonely hours for months or even years, they start to see results. And, just beyond those long-anticipated results on the horizon looms something else: the ceiling. 

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Ken’s 3 Quick Tips On How to set SMART Goals

SMART goals – do you have them? The importance of goal setting cannot be overemphasized, but do you ever wonder how it is that you set goals and just cannot seem to achieve them? Do you find yourself constantly pushing your goals back or spinning your wheels feeling stuck like you cannot make progress towards your goals?
Take stock of your current goals and assess whether they are SMART goals

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Ken’s 3 Quick Tips On Effective Time Management

We have 24 hours each day (168 hours per week), with an ideal work day of 8 hours per day for five days. How often do you wish you had more hours in a day?! Do you know how to get the most out of every minute of your work day? Effective planning and time management is the backbone of productivity for you and your business. Have you investigated where you are losing time? Do a time audit by tracking time to identify time thieves.

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