There is a high likelihood that you have come to read this blog from a link that you saw on LinkedIn. If so, you are in good company with more than 760 million users than have a profile on LinkedIn.

Here is the question for all of us: why are we on LinkedIn? How do we show up? Is our brand as an entrepreneur, leader, or professional clear to anyone that happens across our page? Are we visible to people that we would describe as perfect customers, clients, team members, or employers? 

These are all questions that I was hearing from current and future executive coaching clients as well as connections that see how I interact on LinkedIn. Having a way to systematically answer and solve these questions was key to becoming the first licensed partner with Intero Advisory and their ‘It’s Business, Not Social’ Methodology, thereby helping others elevate their LinkedIn presence. 

To intrinsically understand how the LinkedIn ecosystem is different, let’s call out what it is not. It is not Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, or any other social platform. It is business, plain and simple. And while it’s not the place to post a witty political meme or a photo of lunch, it is a platform to connect the business community in a genuine, transparent, engaging, and relevant way by being strategic, consistent, and intentional in how you use it with a non-automated, personal touch in all you do. 

There are several ways that we have been working to serve our clients in this purpose: 

What is the It’s Business, Not Social™ Certification?

We train and certify your team with our personalized approach to building worthwhile connections. We have all received an invitation to connect that reads like the script it is.

Perhaps it mentions the school we attended or a connection we have in common, but we can just tell it’s the modern day version of a form letter. To add insult to injury, we receive a pitch with the invitation or as the very next message should we accept the connection. Automation is an approach that throws much at the wall, in volume, to see what sticks.

Here’s a different idea: our training and coaching begins by articulating your strategy – consistent with your personal & company brand, so that when you are seen, you are seen the way you intend. Your strategy is blended with practical solutions and tangible takeaways so that there is consistency across your organization reflecting your core values.

LinkedIn Training & Coaching to 

Understanding the powerful nature of LinkedIn and specifically how you can be seen, found, and find others is remarkable, ever changing, and sometimes overwhelming if consumed in one sitting.

Through our robust library of courses, videos, worksheets, and group training, we guide you in a digestible, empowering pace that you can speed or slow as needed. 

All too often users logon, take a look around, and when they start to explore, they realize it seems a bit much. Know this: your future rock star performer, best client, mentee, or long-lost business connection may be just around the corner.

Taking the time to craft your strategy, articulate your purpose, and engage your audience will pay dividends in the service you provide, the network you connect with, and the wisdom you seek.

LinkedIn Profile Development

One of the first places to reflect about your own visibility on LinkedIn is your personal profile. For many it is simply an out-dated picture, stock LinkedIn background, an ‘About’ section that is blank or brief, and an ‘Experience’ section that lacks flow. 

Our team can guide and support you with resources that create an ‘About’ section that helps a reader know about you. It becomes a narrative in the first person that paints a picture of your individual or company’s talent in the voice of your natural genius.

What does that mean? A reader gets a glimpse of who you are, what makes you unique, and an indication of why they would be drawn into your orbit.

The experience section is also more informative when written in prose rather than a duplication of a resume. Guide the reader through the career journey you’ve made to understand the person you are today.

We sweat the visual details in  that each company in your ‘experience’ section is properly connected to its corresponding company page. When that company is the one you own, we look at creating that as well.


Before writing this blog I happened to come across a website for a company I was researching. I wanted to know about the team members and their backgrounds, so I went to the tab labeled, “our team”.

Under the CEO’s name was a badge for LinkedIn; when I clicked I was still on his page, but there was a message from him proudly declaring his lack of any social media page. He prefers to do business the ‘old fashioned way’, he says, offering a challenge for anyone to convince him LinkedIn (or any platform) is “better”.

Neither that CEO, nor you, will hear an argument as to why LinkedIn or something else is ‘better’.

One of my core values is to make space for people to be themselves and to interact with me in a manner that serves their needs. That means I tend to draw others that feel similarly about their businesses, which is why we work in multiple platforms and different methods. That may be in person, by phone, on video, via text, or other methods as requested. 

My commitment is to understand you, your business, and your team better than anyone and make sure that your mission, purpose, and values are clear on LinkedIn, so that you too attract the perfect network. Schedule a Meet & Greet to get the ball rolling and let’s get to know one another.

[{ 0=”%22@type%22:” 1=”%22Question%22,” 2=”%22name%22:” 3=”%22How” 4=”does” 5=”LinkedIn” 6=”differ” 7=”from” 8=”other” 9=”social” 10=”media” 11=”platforms?%22,” 12=”%22acceptedAnswer%22:” 13=”{” 14=”%22@type%22:” 15=”%22Answer%22,” 16=”%22text%22:” 17=”To intrinsically understand how the LinkedIn ecosystem is different, let’s call out what it is not. It is not Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, or any other social platform. It is business, plain and simple. And while it’s not the place to post a witty political meme or a photo of lunch, it is a platform to connect the business community in a genuine, transparent, engaging, and relevant way by being strategic, consistent, and intentional in how you use it with a non-automated, personal touch in all you do.” 18=”}” 19=”},{” 20=”%22@type%22:” 21=”%22Question%22,” 22=”%22name%22:” 23=”%22What” 24=”is” 25=”the” 26=”It’s” 27=”Business,” 28=”Not” 29=”Social™” 30=”certification?%22,” 31=”%22acceptedAnswer%22:” 32=”{” 33=”%22@type%22:” 34=”%22Answer%22,” 35=”%22text%22:” 36=”

We train and certify your team with our personalized approach to building worthwhile connections. We have all received an invitation to connect that reads like the script it is.

Perhaps it mentions the school we attended or a connection we have in common, but we can just tell it’s the modern day version of a form letter. To add insult to injury, we receive a pitch with the invitation or as the very next message should we accept the connection. Automation is an approach that throws much at the wall, in volume, to see what sticks.

Discover How You Measure Up as a Leader—Start the Quiz Now!
Find out how your leadership skills stack up—take this quick, free quiz and get instant insights!

Here’s a different idea: our training and coaching begins by articulating your strategy – consistent with your personal & company brand, so that when you are seen, you are seen the way you intend. Your strategy is blended with practical solutions and tangible takeaways so that there is consistency across your organization reflecting your core values.

” 37=”}” 38=”},{” 39=”%22@type%22:” 40=”%22Question%22,” 41=”%22name%22:” 42=”%22What” 43=”does” 44=”LinkedIn” 45=”training” 46=”and” 47=”coaching” 48=”offer?%22,” 49=”%22acceptedAnswer%22:” 50=”{” 51=”%22@type%22:” 52=”%22Answer%22,” 53=”%22text%22:” 54=”

Understanding the powerful nature of LinkedIn and specifically how you can be seen, found, and find others is remarkable, ever changing, and sometimes overwhelming if consumed in one sitting.

Through our robust library of courses, videos, worksheets, and group training, we guide you in a digestible, empowering pace that you can speed or slow as needed.

All too often users logon, take a look around, and when they start to explore, they realize it seems a bit much. Know this: your future rock star performer, best client, mentee, or long-lost business connection may be just around the corner.

Taking the time to craft your strategy, articulate your purpose, and engage your audience will pay dividends in the service you provide, the network you connect with, and the wisdom you seek.

” 55=”}” 56=”},{” 57=”%22@type%22:” 58=”%22Question%22,” 59=”%22name%22:” 60=”%22How” 61=”can” 62=”I” 63=”develop” 64=”my” 65=”profile” 66=”on” 67=”LinkedIn?%22,” 68=”%22acceptedAnswer%22:” 69=”{” 70=”%22@type%22:” 71=”%22Answer%22,” 72=”%22text%22:” 73=”

One of the first places to reflect about your own visibility on LinkedIn is your personal profile. For many it is simply an out-dated picture, stock LinkedIn background, an ‘About’ section that is blank or brief, and an ‘Experience’ section that lacks flow.

Our team can guide and support you with resources that create an ‘About’ section that helps a reader know about you. It becomes a narrative in the first person that paints a picture of your individual or company’s talent in the voice of your natural genius.

What does that mean? A reader gets a glimpse of who you are, what makes you unique, and an indication of why they would be drawn into your orbit.

The experience section is also more informative when written in prose rather than a duplication of a resume. Guide the reader through the career journey you’ve made to understand the person you are today.

We sweat the visual details in that each company in your ‘experience’ section is properly connected to its corresponding company page. When that company is the one you own, we look at creating that as well.

” 74=”}” 75=”},{” 76=”%22@type%22:” 77=”%22Question%22,” 78=”%22name%22:” 79=”%22How” 80=”does” 81=”Leader’s” 82=”Cut” 83=”help” 84=”with” 85=”LinkedIn” 86=”marketing?%22,” 87=”%22acceptedAnswer%22:” 88=”{” 89=”%22@type%22:” 90=”%22Answer%22,” 91=”%22text%22:” 92=”

Before writing this blog I happened to come across a website for a company I was researching. I wanted to know about the team members and their backgrounds, so I went to the tab labeled, “our team”.

Under the CEO’s name was a badge for LinkedIn; when I clicked I was still on his page, but there was a message from him proudly declaring his lack of any social media page. He prefers to do business the ‘old fashioned way’, he says, offering a challenge for anyone to convince him LinkedIn (or any platform) is “better”.

Neither that CEO, nor you, will hear an argument as to why LinkedIn or something else is ‘better’.

One of my core values is to make space for people to be themselves and to interact with me in a manner that serves their needs. That means I tend to draw others that feel similarly about their businesses, which is why we work in multiple platforms and different methods. That may be in person, by phone, on video, via text, or other methods as requested.

My commitment is to understand you, your business, and your team better than anyone and make sure that your mission, purpose, and values are clear on LinkedIn, so that you too attract the perfect network. Schedule a Meet & Greet to get the ball rolling and let’s get to know one another.

Discover How You Measure Up as a Leader—Start the Quiz Now!
Find out how your leadership skills stack up—take this quick, free quiz and get instant insights!

” 93=”}” 94=”}” _i=”1″ _address=”1″ theme_builder_area=”et_body_layout” /]

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