What’s the Difference Between an Executive Business Coach & Leadership Coach?
Coaches – we all need them in our lives. Small business owners, aspiring entrepreneurs, managers, and other high-ranking individuals in leadership positions within a business are no exception. You might be thinking, why do I need a coach? Look how far I have made it on my own! To be a business owner or high level executive you have to be a driven and self motivated person to begin with. You have had success in your career without a coach thus far and you might be thinking coaches are only for people with “problems” in their leadership or interpersonal skills. Maybe you think an executive business coach is expensive and worry about whether it is a worthwhile investment of your time and money.
Ken’s Leadership Story – Why I focus on people.
The first time I shared the following, in its entirety, was from a stage at a leadership conference during my time as a corporate executive. Attendees included various levels of leadership: peers, two reporting-levels higher, and two reporting-levels below. Some close friends knew bits and pieces of this story, but not the details, context, and outcome. Here was how I told the most formative experience of my life.
The Zombie Leader: Three Ways Leadership is in Crisis
In an ever increasing tight labor market resulting in a continual fight for talent, the cost of this “zombie” mentality could be significant if leaders are unwilling to end the dissemination of others thoughts and instead chew on solving three specific barriers to leadership success.