Poor Communication In The Workplace
Workplace communication is a vital piece of the puzzle when it comes to running a successful business. Communication is the key to sharing information, strategies, ideas, constructive criticism, and all other types of messages that build a strong business. We have all played the game Charades and know just how vexing it can be when your team does not understand what you are trying to communicate. Imagine trying to run a business where you can only communicate through Charades. It’s not going to go very well. This is a great example of why communication is so important. Without proper communication, people are going to be left confused, frustrated, unproductive, and discouraged.
None of us are actually playing Charades in our workplace, but there are many examples of poor communication that harm the productivity and morale of a business. Things like limited feedback, unclear expectations, and demoralized employees are all examples of poor workplace communication. If you are not aware of how you have been communicating at work, this blog is a resource for you to sharpen up on six professional communication skills that will help you with productive workplace communication.
Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are
Dr. Amy Cuddy is a social psychologist, author, professor, and researcher at Harvard Business School who studies stereotyping and prejudice, nonverbal behavior, and presence and performance under stress. In her TED Talk, “Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are” Dr. Cuddy talks about how “power posing” or standing with a more confident posture can lead to increased feelings of self-confidence. I recommend listening to Dr. Cuddy’s full presentation to learn more about the importance that our body language plays, not just on our audience but also on our own self.
Julian Treasure: How To Speak So That People Want To Listen
Julian Treasure is a sound and communication expert who studies sound and advises businesses on how to use it. In the Ted Talk “How To Speak So That People Want To Listen,” Treasure demonstrates the capabilities of the human voice as an instrument to speak powerfully so that your audience wants to listen. I recommend this lecture as a reminder to think about your voice as a tool when communicating. I find it helpful to think of it as a way to prepare to speak well, that just like I warm up my muscles for CrossFit or a mountain bike ride I need to warm up and prepare my voice when speaking.
Benjamin Zander: The Transformative Power Of Classical Music
Benjamin Zander is an English music conductor. Zander is the founder and the current musical director of the Boston Philharmonic Orchestra. His lecture “The Transformative Power Of Classical Music” may seem a little out of place on a list about workplace communication, but I believe there are many great parallels that can be drawn between classical music and communication. After all, music is just another form of expression! I find Zander’s lecture most powerful when he ties emotion to music. This is a powerful reminder that communication can happen emotionally and aurally rather than verbally.
Susan Cain: The Power Of Introverts
Susan Cain is a best-selling author and lecturer who has spent a lot of time researching, writing, and speaking about the traits and capabilities of introverted people. Cain’s lecture “The Power Of Introverts” is an in-depth explanation of the talents and abilities of introverted people and how our culture undervalues these traits. So many leaders assume that successful communication – and therefore successful leaders – depend on outgoing, gregarious, and verbose traits. Cain offers a counterpoint to this belief by highlighting the power of the quiet leader.
Shawn Achor: The Happy Secret To Better Work
Shawn Achor is an author and public speaker who is known for advocating positive psychology, or the scientific study of the strengths that enable individuals and communities to thrive. Achor’s lecture “The Happy Secret To Better Work” debunks the common misconception that if you work harder, you will be more successful, and if you are more successful, you will be happier. He flips this notion on its head and instead argues that it should be backward and happiness should come before success. I recommend listening to Achor’s full lecture to learn how, as leaders, fostering happiness is – by extension – a way to promote powerful, positive communication.
Celeste Headlee: 10 Ways To Have A Better Conversation
Celeste Headlee is an award-winning journalist, professional speaker, and best-selling author. In her lecture, “10 Ways To Have A Better Conversation,” Headlee highlights the declining ability of people to converse well. Effective conversation is a key skill that is quickly disappearing in today’s world, as electronic devices are replacing more and more the art of conversation. I recommend listening to her entire lecture and taking note of her ten rules to ensure efficient, clear communication.
Benefits of Successful Communication in the Workplace
Communication in the workplace is a vital component of a business’s success for several reasons. Good communication in the workplace is key to a successful and productive team. When everyone is on the same page, it makes it easier to make decisions and move forward with tasks. Communication also helps build relationships with coworkers, leading to collaborations and increased productivity. A business’s communication competency is often set by the example of the business’s leader. As a leader, this means it is very important to learn how to be an effective communicator.
Workplace communication can suffer when individuals stop practicing certain aspects of communication like those highlighted in the above Ted Talks. That is why it is important to look for opportunities and resources to further advance your communication skills training so you can realize the benefits of successful communication skills.
As a former Fortune 500 executive leader, I have experienced my fair share of both successful and unsuccessful workplace communication. If you are interested in learning more about the importance of communication, or you are ready to improve communication in your business or team, contact me today – no strings attached.