If you are a leader, you are a reader – and that means you’ve read books on organizational systems, profit improvement plans, leadership, problem-solving, or a related tome on ways for you to achieve a state of zen in your business. Undoubtedly each has proselytized purity in using their approach and even suggested that if you deviate in the slightest, you won’t experience the atypical results their jacket cover promoted.

Let’s face it; you know YOUR business better than anyone. What do I mean by that? It’s been my experience that most entrepreneurs have a formula for initial success:

Take a great idea that solves a ubiquitous problem uniquely by working your butt off.

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This formula translates to being the go-to person, the fill-in for any gap, and the one willing to do anything to keep business moving forward. The formula also includes personally involving oneself in hiring, onboarding, training, and perpetuating the origin story – all a noble effort to establish a culture. And this ultimately limits the growth potential until some (or all) of these duties are reassigned.

This is where the notion of a business organizational system comes into play. Much like joining a gym, which gym is not nearly as important as 1) showing up consistently and 2) making shifts in your behavior that move you closer to where you would like to be. The following are the three most essential elements of implementing a business organizational system at your own pace.

Get what you came for: Define the Problem

Yogi Berra said, “if you don’t know where you’re going, you might end up someplace else.” That moment you felt inspired to make a change when you heard a particular phrase in a book you were reading or listening to is a point of clarity. What did you hear? Why did that resonate with you? When you heard it, how did you imagine your business changing? Who came to mind as a role model already running their business this way? As you can tell, I’m suggesting you imagine the future state of your business by answering the what, who, when, and how questions (unified by why). Then compare that to the current situation to define the problem (gap) of where your business is versus where you envision your business.


Make it your own: Customize for Your Business

The overarching strength of entrepreneurship is that, when successful, it solves problems in unique ways that deliver with distinction setting itself apart from the competition. Therefore I reject the notion that some approaches take that there is one (and only one) approach to help you close the gap – and it just so happens to be their business organizational system (and only their system). Rather, I suggest you keep the mantra, “tools, not rule,” in your head as you get your arms around the path that will guide you to make the changes necessary to move the business forward. You will find that certain mechanisms make all the sense in the world and are adopted quickly without any friction. You will also find there are elements of change that require more time, energy, and resources than you initially thought would necessitate patience. The key to remember is that just as you solved a specific need with your business, pacing changes that fuel growth also require that same entrepreneurial spirit.


Systematize it: Get the Team Onboard

You’ve been in business long enough to know that communication is a circle, not a line. When done effectively, it has no beginning or end as it’s a crucial part of daily business, not to mention a key element of success. Did you know that 72% of employees do not fully understand the company vision? In fact, only 42% can describe what their company does when asked. This is why I recommend that when you inevitably complicate communication with change management, you become an adherent of what I call the rule of 49: say it 7 times in 7 different ways to land the message clearly, consistently, and effectively for every style. Organizations with highly effective internal communication strategies are 3.5 times more likely to outperform peers. Therefore, to create traction in your transformation toward the vision you’ve established, cascading messaging throughout and gauging understanding will be crucial to successfully change.


Bonus Tip: Utilize All Available Resources

If you are interested in a self-paced activation of the Making the Cut™ organizational system yet have questions, schedule a conversation with Ken Kilday for a no-strings meet-and-greet. If you get the clarity you need, you can move forward with our self-paced coaching. However, if you’d like to understand more about working with a business coach, you’re welcome to schedule a Breakthrough Strategy Session, where we will get to know one another, discuss your Leadership Genius Profile Type and sync up on what you’d like to accomplish. No money will be exchanging hands at this point.

Discover How You Measure Up as a Leader—Start the Quiz Now!
Find out how your leadership skills stack up—take this quick, free quiz and get instant insights!

Why the investment of time upfront? Think of it like this: whatever your favorite sport, there is someone that wins championships, frequently more than one. That person also has a coach – giving them objective feedback and guidance from a perspective they cannot see (i.e., how they hold their club, throw the ball, or move their feet). That’s what we do at Leader’s Cut. We guide you through the practice of leadership, organizational excellence, and confidential conversations so you can win the game of business you’re playing. You need to have someone by your side that is a perfect fit.

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