hero image featuring a team of business members working together

If you are anything like me, you’ve taken many profile/personality assessments in your time. And if you’ve worked for more than one company that uses the same brand of assessment tools, then you’ve taken the SAME one more than once.

What did you do with the information?

How did you apply the information?

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Did you learn something about yourself or others?

Were you able to point to examples of your leadership or someone else improving?

Most tell me that while they find these assessments interesting, they are rarely useful. This history led me to use Talent Dynamics, from Roger Hamilton’s Wealth Dynamics, in my coaching practice.

Ken Kilday of Leader's Cut quote about Talent Dynamics

What is Talent Dynamics?

Talent Dynamics is based on the Chinese I Ching; if this sounds familiar, it is likely because Carl Jung used it when developing his archetypes in the early twentieth century.

In our version of this profiling tool, we assess each person across four frequencies that range from 0-100%, yielding one of a possible eight profile geniuses, with a secondary genius to either side.

This is not intended to pigeonhole someone into an identity but to uncover a person’s natural genius. This points to how they find flow in their world regarding tasks, communication, and reward.

Often, team members find themselves with a role they perform well, yet leave them feeling unfulfilled. Look no further than their native genius to bring awareness to the feeling.

Knowing our coworkers’ native genius unlocks more tools to communicate effectively, align roles and responsibilities, and deliver superior results.

While knowing ourselves is the first step to being more effective, knowing our coworkers’ native genius unlocks more tools to communicate effectively, align roles and responsibilities, and deliver superior results.

self awareness featuring three images of team members journaling

How is Talent Dynamics Different From Other Profiling Tools?

The decidedly different aspects of Talent Dynamics can be seen in the language within the report. We speak to the leader within you by discussing your native genius. We then transition the conversation to understanding the native genius of your reports.

Self-awareness is the precursor to understanding the unique abilities of every team member and then tapping into their native genius. Rarely have I seen other profiling tools that move beyond the test-taker to discuss leading those different from ourselves.

Talent Dynamics is a codex for communicating to every organization member at a much higher level. After covering the respondents’ genius type, it then covers all other types with the following categories:

  • Strengths
  • Weaknesses
  • Successes
  • Failures
  • Best roles in the team
  • Worst roles in the team
  • Best roles in life
  • Worst roles in life

For context, you’ll also see the names of well-known leaders within each genius.

The Benefits of Using a Profiling Tool in Business Ken Kilday Leader's Cut

The Benefits of Using a Profiling Tool in Business

This level of insight has tangible takeaways that translate into productive action.

For example, knowing each person’s genius type, a team member could use the app, select their genius and that of another, and see suggestions for effectively communicating.

How much stronger would your teamwork be if you could provide a simple tool that cracked the code for conflict resolution?

Of course, like all things worth doing, it takes awareness, practice, and trust to embrace change that delivers results. Talent Dynamics is the transitional tool that can make that vision a reality.  This experience will be different than other tools you’ve used that may have lacked concrete action to effect change.

Schedule a Breakthrough Strategy Session

Taking the talent dynamics profile test as part of my Breakthrough Strategy Session is the first step in assessing me as a potential coach. And if you have a leadership team in place, ask about profiling them and having a group debrief. Not only will each person receive an individual report, but I will provide a composite of the team’s results.

By participating in this exercise, you will gain individual insight and also understand your collective strengths and weaknesses. Because coaching, whether individual or the entire organization, depends on building trusting relationships, I offer this experience free of charge.

Your payment is time, attention, and participation to better know yourself and your team. Make your appointment today for your Breakthrough Strategy Session, and include a note with your team members email addresses so we can include them.

I am an entrepreneur who has designed, built, launched, and rejuvenated successful businesses.

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I now take great joy in helping other businesses find success through Executive Business Coaching as the CEO+Founder of Leader’s Cut.

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