The Making the Cut™ Course
NEW Course from Leader’s Cut
Self Activate the Making the Cut™ Method
Activate MTC to bring the 6 Simple Keys to building independent, accountable teams to life.
Have you ever wondered how some lead with energy, build strong connections with their teams, and seem to guide the business like a maestro in front of an orchestra? Do you KNOW you have a great business with great people, yet have a sense that a little structure could go a LONG way? Have you been looking for guidance without sacrificing what is unique about the enterprise you built? Then the Making the Cut self activation course is for you and your team.
Only $2,497 for the first leader and $997 for additional team members.
(You’ll receive your personal Guide via USPS Priority Mail to follow along and create a binder that is the recipe for your Secret Sauce)
Course Outline
Session 1:
Discovery – Creating Accountability, Ownership and Independence
Session 2:
Mindset & Momentum 1 – Building a Pace for Success
Session 3:
Mindset & Momentum 2 – Mission, Purpose, and Vision
Session 4:
The AlgoRhythm of a Successful Meeting
Session 5:
Astralogy – the Art of Working ON, not IN, the Business for enduring success.
Session 6:
The Whetstone – Tools, not Rules – to leverage your genius and support your growth.
LIVE Bonus Session:
Meet with Ken one-on-one to debrief Talent Dynamics and know EXACTLY how to apply your Leadership Genius
LIVE Bonus Session:
Meet with Ken to reveiew your Business plan addressing any aspect of the process.
Submit questions via the coaching portal as needed.
Want to learn more?
The 6 Simple Keys to Unlocking Your Leadership Genius*
In this complimentary training, Ken reveals the case studies applying the 6 Simple Keys in real-world examples. During a career spanning 30-years (and counting), across multiple industries, with a modest start culminating in entrepreneurship, what he’s come to know is that there are 6 Simple Keys that good leaders hone to become great leaders: Communicate, Delegate, Motivate, Recruit, Collaborate, and Develop that unlock leadership genius.
*What is Leadership Genius? Uncovering what makes you and your team unique of, then leveraging that talent to create independent, accountable teams. This power hour is a quick-start to successfully navigate complex team dynamics and a starting place if you are considering the Making the Cut™ self-activation course.
Meet Ken Kilday.
Ken is a former executive leader and current Executive Business Coach. He uses the diversity and depth of his leadership experience to help CEOs, Business Owners, and Executives become better leaders, make better decisions, and deliver better results, both personally and professionally.
Whether by implementing the It’s Business, Not Social™ method, individual coaching or team effectiveness work – the unifying principle is that of awareness. The highest performing leaders use keen awareness to do three things consistently:
- They step away from their day-to-day responsibilities to think about and focus *on* the business rather than *in* it.
- They connect with other leaders in similar roles and share learnings to help each other make important, more informed decisions.
- They constantly seek outside perspectives for new and innovative ideas to bring into their businesses.
Ken’s unique ability to connect with others, help them reflect objectively, and confront challenges with courage leads to positive results in business and at home.
What's it like to work with Ken?
See below how The Ken Kilday Coaching Experience has helped professionals and their leadership teams discover the path to their full potential, and more importantly, how to make it work for them.

“.. in terms of your awareness as a person and a leader, on top of whatever changes you’re looking to manifest in your business, Ken is the Coach to make that happen.”
Mycal Anders
Owner, CrossFit PHX

... my goals over the year working with Ken … became more defined. My favorite part of working with Ken is his approachability. He is very supportive.”
Dr. Jennifer Enos, DDS
Dental Arts of Chandler

“Take the time to invest in Ken and you’ll have the benefits of getting a lot further, faster in business.”
Mike Kinkel
CEO, Custom Controls of Arizona
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Stay in Touch
The Breakthrough Strategy Session
This complimentary consultation led by your Coach is a complete experience to demonstrate what Leader’s Cut can deliver with our offerings.
- You will be profiled using Talent Dynamics – to be debriefed in session, assuring unique insight.
- After scheduling time, you will be presented with a full tour of the coaching portal, giving tone and texture to how we would work together.
- As we become familiar with one another in session, we will also quantify Mindset & Momentum for your business and/or career.